Seascape  … Consider a wave …”    Libretto by Bob Devereux


Reciter          Here, in the full light of the sun,

                        Facing the great atlantic ocean,

                        An artist prepares to paint;

                        Evading all quaint romantic notions of his father's generation.

                        He needs no red sails,

                                No white whales,

                                No weepers at green windows,

                                No sad-eyed maids in widows' weeds,

                                No brave deeds of the deep;

                        Only his easel and his paints and the restless sea.

Soprano         Where is the feeling in you

                        That helps you know the way it is to be the ocean?

                        Ev'ry small wave that breaks,

                        Does not wait for you to fix its form.

Men                        All at sea.

Reciter          This is reality ...

Soprano         This is reality:

                                I am restless,

                                I am ever changing.

Ladies                    All at sea.


Baritone        Consider a wave ....

Reciter          Consider a wave as it moves towards the shore;

                        The falling water imprisons air,

                        A surge of foam, and then it's no more.

Chorus                  All at sea, all at sea.

Baritone        Consider as they move towards the shore;

                                Each wave the shadow of another wave -

                                Each wave another shadow.

Soprano         Consider me, oh, consider me;

                        Dragged by a yellowing moon

                        From low tide to high tide;

                                Driven by winds,

                                Ridden by men and porpoises.

                        But I will be free.


Baritone        All her percussion

                        Comes rushing in in whiteness.

                        Gulls' cries, salt scales,

                        The flashing tails of fishes.

                        Each charging wave skies heavenwards on impact.

                        A tow'ring pegasus of flying spray

                                Held briefly in rainbows.

Soprano         You have a keen eye,

                        And I know it is your destiny to paint me so.

                        If you wait, only wait,

                        I will let you see clear through me,

                        Clean through to my green heart.

                                I am no lady ....


Men                I leave my lace petticoats in tatters on the shore.

                        Some dancing days I have been as loving as the town whore.

                        I have made gentle drums of all the boat bottoms in the bay,

                        And the bigger boys come running to play.

Soprano         Oh, they were never shy with me.

Men                For I was brazen, and they were bold then,

                        As they somersaulted and vaulted

                                All naked, golden, unashamed,

                                Knowing they did no harm.

                        And then they came leaping, laughing,

                                Into my waiting arms.

Soprano         Oh, they were never shy with me.


Soprano &    In squall and high wind

Baritone        They've followed their calling,

                                Our boys.

                        And how many men have been drowned?

                        And how many boats have gone down?

                                All lost in the trumpeting sea.

                                Lost with all hands.

Chorus          Where are the crew of the 'Mystery'?

                                Lost for eternity.

                        Where is poor James?

                                Drowned in his thigh boots.

Baritone        Face up he floated aongst the bladderwrack,

                        With the green weed in his hair,

                        And all his life span floating before him;

Reciter                  ... only twenty years.

Baritone        And all his lover's tears,

                        And all his mother's tears,

                                Will not bring him back.

Chorus          Each wave the shadow of another wave,

                                The shadow of a ghost that went before.

Baritone        Consider as they move towards the shore;

Baritone        Each wave the shadow of another wave -

& Chorus              Each wave another shadow.

Ladies            Where are the 'Jane' and the 'Captain Peter'?

                                Where's the 'Grace Darling'?

Reciter          Smashed on the shore.

Men                Where are the 'Joyce' and the good gig 'Jabez'?

Reciter          Nobody speaks of them any more.

Baritone        The 'Fortitude', the 'Maggie', the 'Lily John'?

Chorus                  Gone ... Gone ... Gone.

Soprano         I have drowned men.


© Bob Deveruex 1980